Blue sapphire

Blue sapphire

Blue sapphire, also known as Neelam gemstone, belongs to the mineral species corundum. It has a hexagonal crystal structure and a hardness of 9 on the Mohs scale, making it a highly durable and scratch-resistant gemstone. Its refrective index range in 1.759 -1.770 and spesific gravity rage in 3.98 to 4.00 The color of blue sapphire can range from light to dark blue, and it is typically transparent to translucent. Blue sapphire can also exhibit asterism, which is a star-like pattern of light reflecting off the surface of the gemstone.

Wearing a neelam stone, is believed to bring a multitude of astrological benefits. It is believed to improve mental clarity, promote financial stability, and even protect against negative energy. To reap these benefits, the stone is typically worn on the middle finger of the right hand on a Saturday, which is considered to be the most auspicious day for wearing it. It is important to note that the stone should be of high quality and worn only after consulting with an astrologer.
Blue sapphire